New Feature: Document to PDF converter

At Fusion we take an agile, design thinking approach to our product development, constantly building, testing, and getting feedback from customers to enable us to refine and iterate our product to be the best it can for our users. We recently added a new feature, the document to PDF converter.

What is the PDF converter?

This new feature enables users to access clear, good quality documents on mobile, tablet and web dashboard, whilst keeping them secure and version controlled. The PDF converter allows Administrators and Managers of the Fusion platform to upload any document albeit Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and even pictures to the My Documents section of the platform. Our new functionality will convert the document into PDF so that it is secure and cannot be altered by users on the platform.

Why is it important?

This new feature improves document management throughout your entire organisation. As you know, having secure documents with strong access control is very important. This new feature means that only those that should be able to change documents have the access rights to do so. But how does it work, and what happens to your original document? What would happen if you wanted to change or update that document in the future? Don’t worry, we’ve got it covered, let me talk you through how it works.

How does it work?

When you’re on My Documents section of the Management Dashboard, simply click the ‘Upload new Doc’ button and ‘+ Choose File’. This will take you to your File Explorer window where you can select the specific file you want to upload.

Once selected fill-out upload form as normal. Choose your Document Name, Category, etc. and then click ‘Upload Document’ and we will automatically convert your file into PDF.

If you then search for your document or navigate to the appropriate category and/or sub folder and click on the document, you will see the document profile.

Here you have the option to either ‘View/Download’ the PDF or ‘Download Original’ which will provide you with the original document in its original format. Other users such as the Employee will only have access to the PDF so won’t be able to make changes to the document and therefore keep its document integrity.


In a world that is becoming increasingly digital the way we manage our documents is becoming more and more important. The PDF converter is a simple yet powerful tool that will enable your business to manage access information better.

Interested in trying this out for your company? Request a demo here

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